Is Sattu suitable for children?

Yes, yes & yes. Above 4 years of age, at least 1 glass a day, that provides 5gms of Protein to amp up their daily nutrition.

Is Sattu better than Whey?

There is no better or worse, they're different. 

Whey is an animal-based protein, and Sattu is a natural source of plant-based protein. Some individuals, particularly those with lactose intolerance, may experience digestive discomfort with whey protein. Whereas Sattu is a great source of natural protein for a varied age range with different activity levels. A person consuming Whey can include Sattu as an additional source of nutrition. 

So you choose what’s right for you, better yet consult a nutritionist! 

Is Sattu suitable for diabetic patients?

That's the best part about Sattu, its suitable for all! With its low glycemix index, fibre rich content and potential benefits for blood sugar management makes it safe to consume.

However, consulting a healthcare professional is always advisable to suit your personal needs.

Is Chana and Sattu the same?

Anything roasted and ground into a fine powder is called sattu. For example, chana when grounded without being roasted is besan, but once roasted and powdered, it becomes sattu. Sattu can be made by roasting and powdering maize, barley (jau) and it can also be a mix of all these grains. GutGut's Sattu is made with Grade A chana, some quality real ingredients, making it the perfect protein rich drink for all ages.

Who should avoid Sattu?

Human's who are suffering from stones in the gall bladder should avoid consuming Sattu. Also, those allergic to Chana or those who find it difficult to digest, should refrain themselves from having Sattu.